
Chuckwalla Valley Raceways, Desert Center, CA


January 11-12, 2025 February 8-9, 2025


Class Result Video
Formula Twins (Saturday) 13th Video
Formula 2 (Saturday) 11th Video
Formula Twins (Sunday) 11th Video
Formula 2 (Sunday) 9th Video
Class Result Video
Formula 2 (Saturday) 16th Video
Formula Twins (Saturday) 17th Video
Formula Twins (Sunday) 14th Video
Formula 2 (Sunday) 5th Video


I took a bit to get to writing this. My pitmate and I packed a van up and headed down to the desert for some winter racing. While it may be 30 degrees Fahrenheit in Seattle, it’s in the low 70s down south. Round 4 was CW direction on the course and Round 5 was CCW providing some variety.

I’m still learning the RS660 platform and the deltas from an inline 4 600. It’s a solid platform but there are some refinements I’ve figured out to bring to the WMRRA and OMRRA seasons in the PNW.

My laptimes are still higher than I’d like but I’ve been able to continue to decrease them with just about every session. I’m already excited to return in March for Round 6 and a repeat of the clockwise course. Hoping to continue my progress.